WARMIE - the R+D project

WARMIE - the R+D project Since 25 June 2019, the Company has implemented the project financed from the resources of the National Centre for Research and Development (Polish: Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju) and the ABAN Fund, entitled: “WARMIE - The wireless system for detection and monitoring of changes inside wounds” - this is a research and development project aimed at improving the system of early detection of infections, monitoring the wound environment and setting new standards for the treatment of post-operative, chronic and slow-healing wounds. Ultimately the project involves the creation of the system which monitors changes that take place inside wounds. The continuous remote temperature monitoring system consists of: the temperature sensor - safe, leak-tight, made of biomedical materials, characterised by compact size (3.2 cm x 2.5 cm x 0.7 cm). The sensor indicates even the slightest changes in temperature with an accuracy of hundredths of a degree Celsius, is provided with the implemented intelligent algorithm, which recalculates the temperature level at the site in which the sensor is placed on the body. The software which monitors the changes and informs the patient and the supervising physician about them - the mobile application sends alerts when the high temperature limit is exceeded and stores all measured values. By combining the software and hardware, our team intends to achieve a new standard in the monitoring of wounds: to reduce the risk of post-operative complications, to reduce the costs of treatment of these complications, to reduce the number of amputations or surgical interventions in patients owing to earlier detection of wound lesions and to enable the early detection of systemic infections (sepsis) based on continuous monitoring of wound and patient temperature.


Od 1 grudnia 2023 Wyrób Medyczny WARMIE w dotychczasowej wersji nie jest już dostępny na stronie producenta.

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