To whom is WARMIE addressed?

The task of the system which consists of the temperature sensor, software as well as mobile and web applications is to support the treatment process. The system can be used in prophylactics, diagnostics and therapy. Owing to the remote functionality of the system, it is possible to monitor the patients’ health condition.

WARMIE is addressed to:

  • Hospitals and in-patient treatment facilities (private, semi-private and public)
  • Physicians - who wish to improve patient care, enrich the negative pressure wound therapy, extend patient care after leaving the hospital, and also those who expect a device which is fully professional, offers the possibility of data collection and analysis, ensures the remote control feature in the case of limited human resources in a hospital facility and continuous monitoring of the operated site (the post-operative wound),
  • Nurses - who wish to improve patient care in the hospital, by monitoring a large number of patients at the same time,
  • Manufacturers who manage software for hospital systems,
  • Patients - who deal with the problem of the constant monitoring of temperature changes, expect extended medical care after leaving the hospital, and wish to minimise the risk of complications caused by possible infections,
  • Parents with children - who wish to provide care to their children by monitoring the temperature (in the future – saturation with oxygen and breathing in children), expect to be provided with a device which ensures the representative and continuous temperature measurement,
  • The National Health Fund and the Ministry of Health - expecting innovations which will be cost-effective. The demonstration of the economic viability of the project, the reduction in the costs of treatment of post-operative infections.


Od 1 grudnia 2023 Wyrób Medyczny WARMIE w dotychczasowej wersji nie jest już dostępny na stronie producenta.

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